Yesterday night we went to see
Derren Brown's show, an excellent performance of probably the most famous 'mental illusionist' in the UK. Revealling the stunts performed at the show would be spoiling it for those who wish to see for themselves. Derren rightly guessed the person who was lying from a group of four, guessed the shapes in cards chosen by a lady from the audience, walked on broken glass and metal shavings... and more! All the members of the audience who participated were just that. Normal people, not actors. Chosen randomly by throwing a monkey puppet to the audience. No tricks here. We even saw a colleague from work on the stage! Derren managed to make people think and do what he suggested them to. All by suggestion and psychology, using 'hidden' words our minds unconciously processes and the movement of his hands. Or that is how he explained it to may be something the end of the day, he is a magician and true magician never reveals all their tricks!

Ayer por la noche fuimos a ver el show de
Derren Brown, un espectaculo excelente del que es, probablemente, el mejor 'ilusionista' britanico. Revelar lo que paso en el show seria hacer el spoiler total para los que quieran ir a verlo. Derren adivino sin problemas quien mentia entre 4 personas, hizo que una seniora adivinara las cartas que el elegia, camino sobre cristales rotos y metales punzantes...y mucho mas. Todos los miembros del publico que participaron eran eso, miembros del publico, escogidos al azar tirando un munieco de peluche entre la audiencia. Incluso vimos a un colega del trabajo subir al escenario!. Derren hizo que miembros del publico hicieran o dijeran exactamente lo que el les 'sugeria' que hicieran. Mediante sugestion y uso aplicado de la psicologia, usando palabras 'ocultas' que nuestra mente procesa inconscientemente y tambien el movimiento de sus manos. O al menos, asi es como el lo explica....aunque podria haber mas...porque un mago nunca revela todos sus trucos!.
The weather today:Haze
UV Index:1 Low
Wind:From the East at 3 mph
Dew Point:9C
Humidity: 92%
Visibility:3 miles
Barometer: 1,021.7 mb
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