Thursday, March 17, 2005

Thanks to Ylek , I now have my personalized icon before this blog's url. If you are using Mozilla Firefox, you should be able to see an eye before my blog's url. I think you cannot see it while using Explorer, but it may just be my version of Explorer, who knows! You can get an icon for your blog using this tool: Favicon .

Gracias a Ylek , desde ya tengo mi propio icono delante de la url del blog. Si usas Mozilla Firefox, supongo que no tendras ningun problema en ver el icono delante de la url (la direccion de mi blog). Usando mi version de Explorer no veo el icono. En cambio, lo veo sin problemas al usar Mozilla Firefox. Si quieres un icono para tu blog, puedes hacertelo tu mism@ en Favicon .

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy and Windy
UV Index:1 Low
Wind:From the West Southwest at 28 mph
Dew Point:8C
Visibility:6 miles
Barometer:1,026.8 mb

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