Tuesday, March 08, 2005

We've changed our plans. We decided we were not that interested in spending half of our two week trip in New York City. And the car rentals price is very expensive in NY, see this : 2 weeks renting a car from any NY airport is 435GBP. The same 2 weeks and same car from Boston is 250GBP. So? Well, we are flying to Boston and from there driving to New England. And, overcoming my unexplained hatred for Canada, probably crossing the border to Montreal and/or Quebec. But I didn't want to talk about Canada here. I wanted to talk about Maine. Maine has always fascinated me. It must be the lobster. No, really, the lobster is important but it is not all. You know, because Stephen King based most of his horror novels in Maine, I've always thought Maine must be a very very unusual place. Or maybe Maine was just an incredibly boring place and King had no other option but to write horror novels to escape from boredom! In any case, having a look at the Stephen King website I found a page here which displays a map of the imaginary Maine, the Stephen King's Maine with cities like Castle Rock and Derry..

Cambio de planes. Hemos decidido que no estamos tan interesados en pasar la mitad de nuestras dos semanas de vacaciones en New York City. Y alquilar coche es carisimo en New York y cercanias. Considerad estos precios : mismo coche, 2 semanas de alquiler desde New York son 435 libras esterlinas y, desde Boston, 250 libras esterlinas. Asi que volamos a Boston y, desde alli, iremos en coche a la zona de New England. He superado, momentaneamente, mi inexplicable odio hacia Canada, asi que probablemente cruzaremos la frontera a Montreal y/o Quebec. Por cierto que no queria hablar hoy de Canada, sino de Maine. Porque sabeis, el estado de Maine siempre me ha fascinado. Probablemente por la langosta. No, la langosta es fascinante pero no es todo. Son las novelas de horror de Stephen King, siempre basadas en Maine. Con tanto horror, Maine debe ser interesantisimo. O justo lo contrario. Quiza Maine es aburridisimo y por ello a Stephen King se le desboco la imaginacion en sus novelas de horror. Quien sabe. Echando una ojeada a la pagina web de King, he encontrado esta pagina , donde muestran un mapa del Maine imaginario de Stephen King, con pueblos tan 'famosos' como Castle Rock y Derry...

The weather today:
UV Index:0 Low
Wind:From the North at 12 mph
Dew Point:1C
Humidity: 60%
Visibility:10 miles
Barometer:1,029.5 mb

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