Back to work after spending 6 days with 38-40C temperature and a permanent cough. The rest of the days I spent trying to recover and behaving like a total weakling. To make things worse (yep, I'm just like that...let's just make things worse!) I thought I might as well quit smoking. I've spent 8 days without smoking. Which immediately makes me think I should reward myself for not smoking a fresh cigarette! Oh crap. The only positive thing I can think of is the next time we go to the US I will not have to bother about airlines not allowing passengers to carry cigarette lighters with them. Yep, this is the last news. No cigarette lighters allowed in transatlantic flights. No matches, either. Where is this paranoia taking us, eh? Oh, and yes. We are going back to the US. We just decided it yesterday. It will be at the end of May/beginning of June. Probably to New York and then a short trip to New England.
De vuelta a trabajar despues de pasarme 6 dias con 38-40C de fiebre y tos permanente. El resto de los dias me los he pasado tratando de recuperarme y tomandomelo todo como si tuviera ochenta anios. Para empeorar la situacion (yo soy asi, que las cosas van mal...pues pongamoslas peor!) decidi que podria dejar de fumar. Asi que me he pasado 8 dias sin fumar. Lo que, de inmediato, me hace pensar que me merezco un cigarrillo de premio! Mierda. Lo unico positivo que se me ocurre es que, la proxima vez que vayamos a USA, no tendre que preocuparme por los encendedores. Porque la ultima novedad es que los encendedores y las cerillas estan prohibidos en los vuelos transatlanticos, desde ya! A donde nos va a llevar esta paranoia, eh? Ah, si. Me olvidaba. Ayer decidimos que volvemos a USA. Sera a finales de Mayo/principios de Junio. Probablemente a New York y despues un viajecito corto a New England.
The weather today:
UV Index:0 Low
Wind:From the Northwest at 9 mph
Dew Point:-1°C
Visibility:9 miles
Barometer:1,028.1 mb
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