Thanks to the ever-present clouds and the light saving change of time, now we don't see any sun at all during the day...and it's dark at 4.30pm! The clouds do really bother me. They never seem to go away. It's like in a shot from Matrix : Revolutions. When Neo and Trinity fly with a shuttle from Zion to the machine-world. They fly up to the sky, it's all dark and cloudy..and then they fly through the clouds and ohhh! it's sunny up there! When you take a plane in the UK, it's exactly the same. The plane flies up up up.. breaking through the clouds..and oooh! suddenly you realise the sun still exists, up there! Yep, it's true. To live in the UK is to forget the sun shines forever. It's as if somebody had turned off the lights for nine months.

Gracias a las nubes de siempre y al cambio de hora, ahora ya no vemos el sol para nada durante el dia. Y se hace de noche a las 4.30! Las nubes me fastidian muchisimo. Parece que no se van nunca. Es como en una escena de Matrix : Revolutions. Cuando Neo y Trinity viajan en una nave desde Zion al mundo de las maquinas. Vuelan hacia arriba, a gran velocidad, todo es oscuro..y de pronto, atraviesan una gruesa capa de nubes y...ooooh! el sol! Cuando tomas un avion en el Reino Unido, experimentas la misma sensacion. El avion se eleva, pasa sobre la capa de nubes y ooooh! te das cuenta de que el sol aun existe, alla arriba. Viviendo en este pais, en invierno te olvidas de que el sol existe. Parece como si alguien apagara la luz durante nueve meses.
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the East Southeast at 8 mph
Dew Point: 9C
Humidity: 88%
Visibility: 4 miles
Barometer: 1,015.9 mb
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