I thought scanning photos was easy but I am now stuck with a problem which I don't know how to solve. I need a 300x300 pixel scanned photo. Right, I scan a printed photo, ask the scanner for size 300x300. It seems to do it. But when I check the photo's properties, the size is bigger than 300x300. I've tried re-sizing it but it doesn't work! Any ideas? I won't be able to apply for the
Greencard lottery if I don't get this blasted photo with the right size!

Pensaba que escanear fotos era facil pero ahora mismo tengo un problema que no puedo resolver. Necesito una foto escaneada a 300x300 pixels. Cojo la foto (tradicional, en papel). La escaneo. Pido tamanio 300x300. El escaner lo hace. Pero cuando abro la foto...es mas grande de 300x300. Y tiene que ser justo ese tamanio, ni mayor, ni menor! He intentado ajustarle el tamanio pero que va, no se deja. O alguien me da ideas, o no entro a la
Greencard Lottery!
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