I bought a Radio Controlled Projection Clock from the Science Museum for my brother's birthday. Integrates time, date and temperature and projects time or temperature on the wall/ceiling. The time is kept constantly accurate by a radio link with the UK’s official time signal, which I think it's great, you always have the exact time, no more no less. The only problem is...my brother doesn't live in the UK so I guess he will not receive the radio link!

Compre un Reloj Proyector controlado por radio del Science Museum para el cumpleanios de mi hermano. Da informacion de hora, fecha y temperatura y proyecta la hora o la temperatura en el techo o pared. La hora es siempre exacta gracias a un enlace por radio con la senial de la hora en el Reino Unido. La hora justa y exacta, ni un minuto mas ni uno menos. Perfecto! El unico problema es... mi hermano no vive en el Reino Unido asi que no creo que le llegue la senial de radio!
The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the North at 18 mph
Dew Point: 4C
Humidity: 63%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,015.2 mb
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