Just what I needed : the Washington DC public transportation website
WMATA . With this and
Mapquest I can check the accuracy of the hotels information. You know, when they say they hotel is located 2 blocks from the
White House or 20 minutes from the Pentagon. Mapquest provides me with the map and if I give it two addresses (hotel and White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest), it calculates the time it will take me and the itinerary to follow. For Europe, I do recommend
Mappy , though. Easier to use.

Justo lo que necesitaba : la pagina web de los transportes publicos en Washington DC
WMATA . Con esta y con
Mapquest compruebo si las informaciones que dan los hoteles son veraces. Ya sabeis, cuando dicen que el hotel esta situado a dos manzanas de la
Casa Blanca , o a 20 minutos. Mapquest me da el mapa y si le doy dos direcciones (hotel y Casa Blanca - en el numero 1600 de Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest) me da el itinerario y el tiempo que tardare en realizarlo. Para Europa recomiendo
Mappy , por eso. Mas facil de usar.
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the West at 10 mph
Dew Point: 10C
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,019.0 mb
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