" Cassadaga : About 20 minutes north of Winter Park, this sleepy little town is home to the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, established in 1884 by George P Colby. today it's a federally registered historic district. The camp houses a group of about 25 spiritualist-mediums who live an dwork in privately owned homes on church-owned land. The church, the Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp Meting Association, believes in infinite intelligence, everlasting life on many planes of existence, and the precepts of prophecy and healing. For what it's worth, we believe that these folks genuinely believe in what they are doing and aren't charlatans. Their goalis to spread the word as opposed to line their pockets. They don't practise witchcraft or black magic; they don't condone hypnotism or promise to tell you your future; and they don't call themselves psychics but rather mediums".
Maybe this is the place where I will find my mum's auntie Maria. If she is anywhere, she is here. She always said it didnt' matter what happened to her body after she had died. The body would be just a corpse, irrelevant. The spirit however, would roam free forever. She was a believer in Spiritualism. A shame she lived in Spain under 40 years of dictatorship and Catholic respression. She had to hide her beliefs. She would have been happy living in Cassadaga (Florida).

" Cassadaga : A unos 20 minutos al norte de Winter Park, esta tranquila ciudad es la base del Campamento Espiritualista de Cassadaga, fundado en 1884 por George P Colby. Hoy en dia esta declarado distrito historico por las autoridades federales. El campamento es el hogar de 25 espiritualistas-mediums que viven y trabajan en sus casas particulares en tierras propiedad de la iglesias. La iglesia, llamada Asociacion Surenia Grupo Espiritualista de Cassadaga, cree en la inteligencia infinita, la vida en el mas alla en otros planos de existencia y en los preceptos de la profecia y la curacion. Segun Lonely Planet, estos mediums son genuinos, creen en lo que hacen y no son un puniado de charlatanes. Su ideal es darse a conocer a cuanta mas gente mejor y no el afan de lucro. No practican brujeria ni magia negra; no condonan el hipnotismo ni prometen adivinar el futuro. Y no se llaman a si mismos 'psiquicos' sino 'mediums'".
Quiza este sea el lugar donde encontrar a mi tia abuela (tia de mi madre) Maria. Si esta en 'otro plano de existencia' seguro que es en Cassadaga. Siempre dijo que le daba igual lo que ocurriera con su cuerpo cuando muriera, el cuerpo era solo eso, un cadaver. El espiritu, sin embargo, seria libre para siempre. Realmente ella creia en el espiritualismo. Lamentablemente, viviendo en Espania y bajo cuarenta anios de dictadura y represion catolica, ella tuvo que esconder sus creencias. Cassadaga (Florida) le hubiera gustado.
The weather today:
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the Southeast at 6 mph
Dew Point: 8C
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,030.1 mb
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