Thirty five students in classrooom 2.01 Park Building. One Tutor and one very lost student in room 2.27 Portland Building. Who's lost there? According to the Tutor : "All the students are lost!" That reminded me of 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade', when young Indy goes on a excursion to the desert with his schoolmates and teacher. Indy gets separated from the rest. When he realises that, he says with total conviction: "Everybody got lost except for me!". And, of course, we smile and believe it. After all, he IS Indiana Jones. Well, in this case the Tutor was NOT Indiana Jones. And he was following last year's timetable. There are different rooms this year, dear lost Tutor! Don't assume anything, says one of bosses. And he is right.

Treinta y cinco estudiantes en el aula numero 2.01 en el edificio Park. Un profesor y un alumno despistado en el aula numero 2.27 en el edificio Portland. Quien se ha perdido? Segun el profesor : "todos los estudiantes se han perdido!" Esta frase me recordo la pelicula 'Indiana Jones y La Ultima Cruzada', cuando el joven Indy sale de excursion al desierto con sus companieros de clase y profesor. Indy se separa de sus companieros y, cuando se da cuenta, dice con mucha conviccion : "Todos se han perdido excepto yo!". Y, claro, los espectadores sonreimos y nos lo creemos. Porque, a ver, el ES Indiana Jones. Bien, en este caso de la vida real el profesor NO era Indiana Jones. Y seguia las instrucciones del horario del anio pasado. Querido profesor despistado, este anio son aulas distintas! No des nada por asumido, dice uno de mis jefes. Y tiene razon!
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the South Southwest at 33 mph
Dew Point: 12C
Humidity: 83%
Visibility: 7 miles
Barometer: 1,007.5 mb
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