I was strolling down Commercial Road this afternoon when I saw that the French market had been also moved there, plus the usual Food market we get every Thursday and Friday. The French stalls were selling cheese, sausages, pastries, foie-gras, crepes..and one of them was selling Spanish paella (rice+additions, basically). They had two options, vegetable paella and chicken paella. Not my favourite, the seafood paella, but even so, I was very tempted to buy a ration...although I had already had my sandwiches for lunch! It smelled delicious! Anyway, there were two English students having a look at the food. One of them suggested they may have 'that French food' for lunch. The second student replied : " I've never eaten this in my life, I don't even know what it is. Let's go to McDonalds". Jeeezz! Here we have a staggering example of rebellious and modern youth! I bet there won't be any revolution in the future with types like this!

Iba caminando por la Calle Comercial este mediodia cuando vi que, ademas del tipico mercadillo de fruta y verdura que ponen cada jueves y viernes hoy habia, ademas, un mercado frances. Los puestos franceses vendian embutidos, quesos, foie-gras, croissants, crepes..y uno de ellos tambien vendia paella! Tenian dos opciones, paella de verduras o paella de pollo. Lastima que no tenian paella de marisco, mi preferida. Y aun asi, el olorcillo era tan tentador que casi voy y me compro una racion, olvidando que me habia zampado 2 sandwiches hacia bien poco. Bueno, pues ahi estaba yo, haciendoseme la boca agua delante del puesto de paella, cuando oigo a dos estudiantes (ingleses) hablando a mi lado. Uno le pregunto al otro que le parecia comprar un par de raciones para almorzar. El segundo estudiante le contesto : "No he comido de eso en mi vida, y no se que es (arroz, inutil, pense yo!!). Vamos a McDonalds". Toma yaaaa! Vaya un ejemplo de juventud rebelde y moderna! Con tipos asi, no me extrania que las cosas no cambien!
The weather today:
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the Northeast at 15 mph
Dew Point: 10°C
Humidity: 68%
Visibility: 10 miles
Barometer: 1,016.6 mb
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