Now that I finally have five minutes to post in the my mind has gone blank blank blank I don't have anything to say! It must be the stress...the enrolments, the new committees... I am especially scared of the Research Ethics Committee. After attending just one meeting, I am 100% sure it will be one of those committees where people talk talk talk for hours hours hours and then there's lots of paperwork for this humble person to deal with for the rest of the week. Why is it that each year I get involved in more and more committees? As if I had not clearly said I hate them all! Maybe I should have followed the opposite strategy. Maybe I should have said I love them all and then I would have been expelled from all of them??

Ahora que por fin he conseguido tener cinco minutos libres para postear en el blog...ahora me he quedado en blanco y no se que decir! Sera el stress... las matriculaciones, los nuevos comites... el que da mas miedo es el de investigacion etica. Despues de asistir a la primera reunion, esta clarisimo que se va a perpetuar como uno de esos comites donde los miembros hablan dale que te pego durante horas y horas y luego hay un monton de trabajo extra para mi persona. Por que sera que cada anio me caen mas comites? Como si no hubiera dejado bien claro que los odio! Quiza tendria que haber seguido la estrategia opuesta. Decir que me encantan, para que me echaran de todos?
The weather today:
Cloudy and Sunny
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the Southwest at 9 mph
Dew Point: 11C
Humidity: 73%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,015.9 mb
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