We used this recipe the last weekend, which we got from Waitrose. Twice! It was delicious and very easy to cook. Try it. You won't regret it!
Spaghetti with Cockles
Serves: 4
1.5kg fresh cockles
3 shallots, finely sliced
200ml Chambéry or other dry vermouth
400g spaghetti
6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
8 slices back bacon, finely diced
2-3 cloves garlic, chopped
A pinch of dried chilli flakes
3 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
Zest of 2 lemons, finely grated
Wash the cockles under cold water. Discard any that are broken or refuse to close when lightly tapped. Put the shallots and vermouth in a wide saucepan and set over a high heat. As soon as it comes to the boil, add a single layer of cockles and cover. Cook for 1-2 minutes, quickly transferring them to a large bowl as they open. Discard any that do not fully open. Repeat the process until they are all cooked. Remove them from their shells, then cover and chill until needed.
Cook the spaghetti according to the instructions on the packet. About 5 minutes before it is ready, heat the olive oil in a frying pan and fry the bacon. As soon as it begins to crisp, add the garlic, followed by the chilli flakes. Fry for a minute, then stir in the cooked cockles, parsley and lemon zest. Add lemon juice to taste.
Drain the pasta, add a twist or two of freshly ground black pepper and toss with the cockle sauce. Serve immediately.

Spaghetti con berberechos (o almejas)
Sirve para 4 personas
berberechos frescos 1.5kg (con cascara!)
3 cebollines,
200ml vermouth seco o vino blanco (seco)
400g spaghetti
6 cucharas soperas aceite de oliva virgen
8 tiras de bacon,
2-3 dientes ajo triturado
chili picante, una pizca
3 cucharas soperas piel de limon rallada
Lavar los berberechos (o almejas) en un recipiente con agua fria. Desechar los que no se abran. Colocar los cebollines cortados finamente y el vermouth (o vino blanco) en una cazuela. En cuanto empiece a hervir, echar unos cuantos berberechos. Retirar de la cazuela a un plato en cuanto se abran (1 o 2 minutos). Repetir hasta tenerlos todos abiertos. Separar el berberecho de la cascara, cubrir y guardar en el frigorifico hasta el momento de usarlos (o usar inmediatamente). Cocinar los spaghetti siguiendo las instrucciones de la marca. Cuando falten 5 minutos para terminar su coccion, poner el aceite de oliva en una sarten y freir el bacon. Aniadir el ajo triturado, el chili picante y freir durante 1 minuto. Aniadir los berberechos, el perejil y la cascara de limon rallada asi como el zumo de limon al gusto. Servir la pasta en plato hondo, sazonar con un poco de pimienta negra y aniadir la salsa de berberchos. Servir inmediatamente.
The weather today:
UV Index:5 Moderate
Wind:From the Southeast at 8 mph
Dew Point:13C
Humidity: 53%
Visibility:6 miles
Barometer:1,011.9 mb
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