"Two young frogs fell into a bucket of milk. Both tried to jump to freedom, but the sides of the bucket were steep and no foundation was to be had on the surface of the liquid. Seeing little chance of escape, the first frog soon despaired and stopped jumping. After a short while he sunk to the bottom of the bucket and drowned.
The second frog also saw no likelihood of success, but he never stopped trying. Even though each jump seemed to reach the same inadequate height, he kept on struggling. Eventually, his persistent efforts churned some milk into butter. From the now hardened surface of the milk, he managed to leap out of the bucket.
The moral of the story: Those who don't give up and are persistent may be in for a pleasant surprise!"

"Dos ranitas cayeron en un cubo de leche. Ambas intentaron saltar para escapar, pero las paredes del cubo eran lisas y no habia ninguna superficie solida desde donde tomar impulso para saltar. Viendo que no habia posibilidad de escapar, la primera ranita pronto dejo de saltar. Bien pronto se hundio y murio ahogada. La segunda ranita tambien se dio cuenta de que no habia manera de escapar. Sin embargo, no dejo de saltar. Finalmente, con tanto salto y movimiento, la leche del cubo se convirtio en mantequilla. Al tener una base solida, la ranita tuvo el apoyo suficiente para saltar con fuerza y caer fuera del cubo.
Moraleja de la historia: La vida guarda agradables sorpresas para aquellos que no cejan en su empenio y son persistentes".
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 3 Moderate
Wind: From the South Southwest at 10 mph
Dew Point: 14C
Humidity: 60%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,013.9 mb
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