My friend's AP thoughts on food when I accuse him of eating only Pot Noodles:"That is right. Nothing but Pot Noodles. But what you dont know is that Pot Noodles encompass almost every food in the world. The variety is astonishing. You have Oriental Sweet & Sour, Spicy Chinese Chicken, Spicy Chilli. Then there is Pot Rice and Pot Pasta. It is endless. Discover Pot Noodle and you eat the world!" And no. He doesn't work in marketing or an ad agency. He should. What a waste of talent!. With this statement, AP has demonstrated he can really really argument the benefits of Pot Noodles against Paul Hogan's article in The Observer.

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 4 Moderate
Wind: From the West Southwest at 20 mph
Dew Point: 11C
Humidity: 60%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,009.1 mb
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