This weekend we bought fresh clams and SD prepared a clam chowder. A shame it could not be served as they do at the Boudin Bakery , in San Francisco Bay, as you can see in the photo above, where the chowder has been poured inside the sourdough bread. Delicious!
This is how to make New England Clam Chowder:
½ lb. bacon, chopped
4 large potatoes, peeled and diced (or Red or White skinned potatoes work well unpeeled)
2 Tbs. butter
1 ½ C. chopped onions
1 C chopped celery (about 3 ribs)
1/2 teaspoon whole thyme (dried, powdered can be used also)
2 6 oz. cans chopped clams
3 cups milk
1 C cream (substitute milk if desired)
1 C. bottled clam juice (water if not available)
Salt and pepper to taste.
2 T flour or cornstarch mixed with 1/2 C water
1.Brown the bacon in a large dutch-oven sized pan. Remove bacon, leaving drippings in pan.
2. Add onions and celery simmering them in drippings to partially cook.
Add flour , stir in and cook for 1 minute.
3.Add potatoes, liquid from the 2 cans of clams (reserve clams to be added later, as they toughen with cooking). Clam juice or water, 2 Tbs. Butter, salt and pepper.
4.Stir over medium heat till potatoes are tender.
5. Add milk, clams, and bacon.
6.If you desire a thicker chowder add the extra flour or cornstarch paste to to the chowder when it is done and let it simmer for 1 minute.
7.Serving suggestion .Cut a lid out of a small round loaf of sourdough bread like you do a pumpkin. Hollow out most of the bread. Toast lightly in the oven and serve the soup in the bread bowl

Esta es la receta para preparar el Clam Chowder de Nueva Inglaterra:
Bacon cortado a tiras
4 patatas grandes peladas y cortadas a cubitos
2 cucharadas soperas de mantequilla
1 taza y media de cebolla cortada finamente
1 apio cortado finamente
1 cucharadita de tomillo fresco o seco
2 latas de 6 onzas de almejas o la misma cantidad de almejas frescas
3 tazas de leche
Separar el liquido de las latas de almejas o preparar 2 tazas de caldo de pescado.
Sal y pimienta al gusto
Harina o la maicena mezclada con media taza de agua
1. Freir el bacon en una sarten y retirar a un plato. Dejar la grasa en la sarten. 2. Agregar las cebollas y el apio a la sarten hasta que la cebolla adquiera un tono dorado.Agregar la harina, remover y cocinar durante 1 minuto.
3.Aniadir patatas, líquido de las 2 latas de las almejas (o caldo de pescado), 2 cuchardas de mantequilla, sal y pimienta, a fuego medio.
4. Remover hasta que las patatas esten blandas.
5. Agregar la leche, las almejas, y el bacon.
6. Si queremos un chowder mas espeso, agregar la harina/maicena en agua y dejar cocinar por un minuto.
7.Servir en plato hondo o en panecillo redondo del que se ha vaciado la miga. Tostar ligeramente en el horno y servir.
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 2 Low
Wind: From the West Southwest at 12 mph
Dew Point: 12C
Humidity: 53%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,016.9 mb
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