Inspired by a comment by Hightoro ("Let's all watch Sci-fi movies then!")after his suffering when watching romantic flick Before Sunset , I thought about all the Sci-fi movies I've watched and liked in my life. And decided to put together a list, by alphabetical order, which you can see below. Clicking on the film's name will take you to the Internet's movie database file for each film. Because sometimes we don't remember the title of the film, but bells rign when reading the plot or seeing the poster. As I said, this is a list of films I like. You will notice 'outrageous' absences, like Space Odyssey by S Kubrick. Simply put, I don't like it. On the other hand, you will see B-films, cheap films, commercial flops and blockbusters. With excellent or terrible FX. Who cares if the ideas and characters are great. They are in the list because I like them. Because they made me laugh or scared me, or made me think or they inspired me. Whatever. I like them.
Sometimes it happens that you remember the plot but cannot remember the title of the film. This website : All Sci-fi can help! Although its design is not very attractive, the information is very good. Using the menus on the right-hand side of the screen, you can choose by different plots, actors and directors and find that film whose title you can't remember. I used it to find Silent Running and it worked! I could only remember giant spaceships carrying thousands of plants and trees to outer space to save them from a nuclear devastated Earth. Years later, when I saw the Eden Project , I thought 'gosh! like in that sci-fi film I saw when I was a child!'. Anyways, it's a good website to find those forgotten titles.
So...any sci-fi films you especially like?

A veces ocurre que recordamos el argumento pero no hay manera de recordar el titulo. En esta web : All Sci-fi encontrareis ayuda! Aunque el disenio no es muy atractivo, lo que cuenta es la informacion que contiene. Usando los menus de la derecha, podeis buscar un titulo mediante el argumento, los actores y directores y encontrar ese titulo que no hay manera de que nos venga a la memoria. Use esta pagina para encontrar el titulo de Silent Running, que habia visto en mi niniez. Solo recordaba las enormes naves espaciales que contenian arboles y plantas, flotando en el espacio, a salvo de la devastacion nuclear que habia ocurrido en la Tierra. Anios despues, cuando vi el Eden Project , pense :"anda! como aquella pelicula de ciencia ficcion".
Y ya puestos, a vosotr@s...que peliculas de ciencia-ficcion os gustan?
My favourite Sci-fi films (in alphabetical order):
12 Monkeys
Accion Mutante
Abre los Ojos
A.I. Artificial Intelligence
Alien Resurrection
Alien 3
Apollo XIII
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
Back to the Future
Back to the Future II
Back to the Future III
Battlestar Galactica
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
Blade Runner
Body Snatchers
The Boys from Brazil
The Butterfly Effect
Capricorn One
The Company of Wolves
A Clockwork Orange
The Crow
Dawn of the Dead
The Day the Earth Stood Still
The Dead Zone
Dr Strangelove
Earth Girls are Easy
Enemy Mine
Escape from LA
Farenheit 451
The Fifth Element
Flash Gordon
Forbidden Planet
Ghosts of Mars
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The Invisible Man
Killer Klowns from Outer Space
King Kong
Logan's Run
Mad Max
Mad Max II
Mars Attacks!
The Matrix
Memoirs of an Invisible Man
Men in Black
Metropolis (1927)
Night of the Living Dead
The Omega Man
The Philadelphia Experiment
Plan 9 from Outer Space
Planet of the Apes
Silent Running
Solaris (1972)
Soylent Green
Star Wars
Starship Troopers
Strange Days
The Time Machine (1960)
Time after Time
Les Visiteurs
The War of the Worlds
The X Files (the movie)
The 5000 Fingers of Dr T
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