As if I didn't have enough things to do, I had to go and help with the mumps immunisation programme for University students. I was handing in forms and checking they had been completed correctly and keeping an eye on the students after the vaccination, to make sure nobody fainted or had an adverse reaction. Fine with this. What I found outrageous was the advice given by the nurse. When asked if somebody should be given the jab if the person had the mumps when they were a child, the nurse said yes, have the jab. Having had the mumps does not give you immunity. I was shocked to hear that. Of course you are immunised if you had the mumps as a child! Jeez, I could not believe it! And another one : should someone have the jab if they had it already when they were a child, complete with the booster some years later? Oh yes, said the nurse, you should have the jab again. What? What is the point of this? If you have been given the jab and the booster, you do not need to get vaccinated again! I know that and I am not a nurse or a doctor. It just reinforces my belief that the British medical system is full of morons who treat their patients as if the patients were idiots or ignorants. A doctor or a nurse cannot believe you know about your own vaccinations or the illnesses you suffered when you were a child.So there you go, just in case, have another jab! Mad. Mad. Mad.

Como si no tuviera bastantes cosas que hacer, me toco ir hoy a ayudar con la vacunacion de las paperas (Parotiditis)para estudiantes universitarios. Mi 'gran colaboracion' consistia en darles los formularios y comprobar que los habian rellenado correctamente, ademas de vigilar que ninguno se nos desmayara o tuviera una reaccion adversa a la vacuna. Hasta aqui bien. Pero lo que me parecio escandaloso fue la manera en que la enfermera les contestaba las preguntas. Se le pregunto si, habiendo tenido las paperas en la niniez, la vacuna era necesaria. Si, dice la enfermera. No estas inmunizado contra las paperas. Queee? Digo yo. Si tuviste las paperas, raro es el caso de que las vuelvas a tener, lo sabre yo! Otra vez le preguntaron si, habiendo recibido la vacuna en la niniez, y una segunda toma anios despues, era necesario vacunarse ahora de nuevo. Si, contesta la enfermera, y le pincha sin contemplaciones. Queee? Digo yo. Si te han vacunado dos veces, para que carajo otra vacunacion? Ya estas inmunizado, segun todos los canones medicos en Europa. Eso lo se yo, y no soy ni enfermera ni medico. Y estas situaciones no hacen mas que confirmar mi parecer de que el sistema medico britanico esta plagado de inutiles que tratan a sus pacientes como si estos fueran idiotas o ignorantes. Porque aqui, un doctor o enfermera no se cree que tu, como paciente, estes al dia del nombre correcto de la enfermedad, ni de si la pasaste, ni de si te vacunaron. Asi que, por si acaso, ya que el paciente es tonto, ala! vacunemosle de nuevo. Es de locos, locos, locos.
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the South Southwest at 6 mph
Dew Point: 4C
Humidity: 93%
Visibility: 4 miles
Barometer: 1,023.0 mb
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