I shouted 'A rat! A rat in the house!'. I am still amazed at the capacity of understanding of these little animals. The little mouse turned its head to me, screamed back : 'I am a mouse, not a rat!' and ran away to the kitchen. We chased it and moved things in the kitchen. We thought it may come out and then we would hit it with the broom. But no luck. The mouse disappeared. We suspect it may have entered the kitchen through a crack on the wall behind the washing machine. We have now put a heavy piece of wood on top of the crack. And also rat poison nearby. But it's not a nice feeling knowing a mouse has been walking on your carpet and maybe looking for food in the kitchen.
PS: OK, you are right. I knew I could not fool you. The mouse did not screamed 'I am a mouse, not a rat!'. But I think he looked very offended by my saying he was a rat. He seemed really annoyed. Really.

PS: OK, teneis razon. Ya sabia que no os podria enganiar tan facilmente. El raton no grito nada de 'No soy una rata, soy un raton!" Pero os aseguro que parecia muy indignado y ofendido de que le hubiera confundido con una rata. De verdad.
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the Southwest at 9 mph
Dew Point: 9C
Humidity: 88%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,017.3 mb
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