At last we are getting rid of that abomination!!! :
The hated Tricorn centre that plagues the centre of Portsmouth will finally be bulldozed in two months' time.
City council chiefs have set their sights on starting to pull down the 1960s shopping centre by the end of March. They are racing to prepare legal documents with developers Centros Miller to make sure the building – named as one of the ugliest in Britain – comes tumbling down. The site is expected to be cleared within nine months so that it can be used as a temporary 300-space car park by Christmas. But it will eventually make way for the massive City Centre North development, which is set to transform the run-down area. The new shopping development, which is expected to be finished by 2008, will feature an open-plan pedestrianised area, with a department store at its centre.
That was exactly their aim when they built the Tricorn Centre in the 60s. With the horrid result you can admire in the photo. They' d better be careful with the amount of concrete they use this time!

El odiado Tricorn centre que destroza la vista en el centro de Portsmouth sera finalmente demolido dentro de dos meses.
Los concejales del ayuntamiento se han propuesto como objetivo la demolicion total del centro comercial, construido en los anios 60, para fines de marzo. Se esta ya preparando todo el papeleo y contratos con la constructora Centros Miller que se encargara de la destruccion del edificio - calificado como uno de los mas feos en Gran Bretania. Se espera que la zona este libre de escombros en nueve meses, para ser usada, temporalmente en el periodo navidenio como parking de 300 plazas. Se prevee que en el 2008 finalizara la construccion del City Centre North Development, el nuevo centro comercial que constara de un gran paseo para peatones y restrigido al trafico de vehiculos asi como de unos grandes almacenes en el centro.
Ya, pues eso es lo que querian hacer en los 60 con el Tricorn Centre, y mirad como les salio. A ver si esta vez se esmeran y cuidadito con el cemento, que no se les vaya otra vez la mano!
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