Furry and dizzy ideas, comments & general craziness while dining at the restaurant at the end of the universe
Friday, January 30, 2004
While in the US, we went to the Zen Sense Oxygen Bar. Clicking on the link you will see what is exactly an Oxygen bar. The idea is that you breathe pure oxygen generated by a machine but filtered through some bottles which contain scents. So it's a total aromatherapy session! After trying it, I can say it works. After some minutes we felt very relaxed and sleepy. The hot tea we were given and the hot lavender comfort pack they put on our shoulders did contribute to the effect too. And because in there is no oxygen bar in this city and the generator is very expensive, I have decided to buy the lavender comfort pack. to Slippery Kitten. Don't say a word, it's a secret!
Durante nuestras vacaciones en USA, visitamos bar de oxigeno Zen Sense. Seguid el link, una imagen vale mas que mil palabras! La idea de estos locales es inhalar oxigeno puro, generado por una maquina y filtrado a traves de unas botellas que contienen diferentes esencias. Una sesion de aromaterapia total! Despues de probarlo, os aseguro que funciona. Despues de unos minutos de estar conectados, nos sentimos relajados y somnolientos. Tambien contribuyeron el te que nos dieron y la almohada caliente de lavanda que nos colocaron el los hombros, claro. Ya que en esta ciudad no hay bares de oxigeno y que el generador es muy caro, he decidido regalar la almohada de lavanda para los hombros a Slippery Kitten. Ni una palabra, eh? que es un secreto.
The weather today:
Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the South Southwest at 25 mph
Dew Point: 5C
Humidity: 90%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,007.8 mb
Thursday, January 29, 2004
It snowed yesterday. It lasted 20 minutes and, at the time, it looked very promising. Unfortunately, it stopped and then it turned into ice. Now I can see from my window some white spots at the park, but it is melting quite quickly because it's sunny. Ah well...we are lucky compared to the North, where the roads are almost impracticable and the clouds and blizzards have been constant since last Friday. And no, the photo above does not have anything to do with the snow or with the country where I live, but I like it. For more information on beautiful New Zealand (where it's summer now) and the films recently shot there, have a look here.
Ayer por la noche nevo. Duro 20 minutos y entonces parecia muy prometedor. Pero no. Pronto paro de nevar y la humeda nieve paso a ser hielo. Desde mi ventana aun puedo ver algunas zonas manchadas de blanco en el parque, pero en general se esta derritiendo muy rapidamente, ya que hace sol. Bueno....aun tenemos suerte, comparados con el norte del pais, donde las carreteras son impracticables y las nubes y tormentas de nieve son constantes desde el viernes pasado. Y no, la foto de arriba no tiene nada que ver con la nieve ni con el pais donde vivo, probablemente por eso me gusta. Para mas informacion sobre la bella Nueva Zelanda (donde ahora es verano) y las peliculas que alli se han filmado recientemente, echad un vistazo aqui.
The weather today:
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the West at 15 mph
Dew Point: 3C
Humidity: 93%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,012.5 mb
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
This week's shopping list:
5, White Deli Rolls 4 Pack
1, Finest Large White Choc/Chunk Cookies 4 Pack
1, Value Lemons 7 Pack
1, Seedless Grapes Selection Pack Class 1
2, Gala Apples Pack
1, Tomatoes 750g
1, Finest Avocados 2pk
1, Spring Onions Bunch
1, Supersweet Sweetcorn Price Marked Twinpack
1, Closed Cup Mushrooms 250g Pack
1, Bigger Pack Better Value Leafy Salad & Tatsoi 165g
1, Iceberg Lettuce Each Class 1
1, T.12 Smoked Wiltshire Cure Streaky 250g
1, Honey Roast Ham 125g 10 Slices
1, Cooked Beef 125g 10 Slices
1, Smoked Salmon Slices 100g
1, Whole Milk 2.272ltr/4 Pints
1, Irish Creamery Butter 250g
1, Medium Mature Cheddar Small
1, Grana Padano Portions
1, Creme Fraiche 500ml
1, Corngold Free Range Eggs Box Of 10
2, Knorr 8 Beef Stock Cubes 80g
1, Wrights Parmesan & Sun Dried Tomato Bread Mix 500g
1, Blue Dragon Coconut Cream 250ml
1, Buitoni Spaghetti 1kg
2, T.Temptations Steak/Marsala Wine Crisps 150g
1, Walkers Sensations Lamb Mint 150g
1, Youngs Fish For Life Hoki 540g
1, Premium Chicken & Asparagus Pie 680g
1, Dr. Oetker Ristorante Pizza Speciale 330g
2, Dr. Oetker Ristorante Pizza Pollo 355g
2, Coca Cola Regular 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack
2, Diet Coke 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack
1, Appletiser Sparkling Apple Juice 6 X 330 Ml
1, Ariel Color Liquid 1.5ltr Pouch
1, Luxury Soft T/Tissue Mgnolia 9 Roll 2169sheet
The weather today:
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the Northwest at 13 mph
Dew Point: -5C
Humidity: 67%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,006.8 mb
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
It's a week to celebrate...the unusual and ironical British tv series The Office , which I recommend to watch and enjoy and watch again, it's such a laugh (sold in DVD and videotape in two volumes) won two Golden Globe Awards, while LOTR-The Return of the King won 3 of them : Best original song, Best Director and Best Picture (Drama). These are three major categories in the Golden Globes so let's see what happens with the Oscar Awards...they should be fair with Peter Jackson, after denying him the awards in relevant categories for the past two years.
Update : And, of course, The Office is also on Tv every Thursday at 10.00pm in BBC America.
Es una semana de celebraciones....la inusual e ironica serie de tv britanica The Office, que recomiendo ver y degustar y volver a ver, porque realmente vale la pena (en sus dos temporadas y disponible en DVD y video en ingles) gano 2 Globos de Oro, mientras que LOTR-The Return of the King gano tres: Mejor cancion original, Mejor Director y Mejor Pelicula (Drama). Son 3 categorias muy importantes en los Globos de Oro, asi que vamos a ver que pasa este anio con los Oscars...que le hagan ya justicia a Peter Jackson!
Update : Y , por supuesto, The Office tambien se puede ver cada martes a las 10.00pm en BBC America.
The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the North Northwest at 13 mph
Dew Point: 1C
Humidity: 72%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,008.5 mb
Monday, January 26, 2004
At last! My great grandmother and my mum were right! I read in a Catalan newspaper that the City Council in Barcelona has finally realised the immense value of the early XIX century architecture and sculpture of its cemeteries, especially the one in Poble Nou (see picture), which also happens to be smaller compared to Montjuic and my favourite as it was my great grandmother and my mum's. Next June there will be a guided tour in Poble Nou's graveyard and later on in the year, another guided tour at Montjuic's cemetery. Tp the first one and for years, I brought foreign and local friends, in a very humble effort to make them know the beautiful sculptures nobody is interested in anymore. This cemetery also hosted the very rare 'Protestant graveyard' unknow to many and now lost forever. It was created to separate Catholic locals and 'Protestant' foreigners, especially British and German, who came to Poble Nou at the beginning of the century to work and advice as experts in the nex machines employed in the many textile industries based in the neighbourhood. The yellow fever struck locals and foreigners and both had to be quickly buried. Both buried, yes, but not mixed together, stated the very Catholic Spanish Church! So a little graveyard for the foreigners was built close to the main cemetery. Unfortunately, in the 90s the City Council inexplicably destroyed this very rare cemetery in the very Catholic Spain so they could build some new graves and make more money for the MPs pockets.. .
Por fin!! Mi bisabuela y mi madre tenian toda la razon! Leo en un periodico catalan que Barcelona explotara el filon turistico del arte que atesoran sus cementerios. El ayuntamiento estrenara en junio una ruta por el camposanto de Poble Nou y, despues, por Montjuïc. Los recintos esconden valiosas muestras de la ebullicion arquitectonica de la ciudad en el XIX, especialmente el de Poble Nou (ver foto), al que yo he llevado a visitar a amigos extranjeros y locales y que ha sido siempre mi cementerio preferido, incluso despues de que el ayuntamiento destruyera el inusual 'cementerio de protestantes' , creado en en el siglo XIX aparte del 'Catolico', ya que catolicos y protestantes no podian ser enterrados juntos (que pecado!) por orden de la Iglesia. Debido al pasado industrial del barrio y sus numerosas empresas textiles, un alto numero de ciudadanos alemanes y britanicos se desplazaron a vivir o trabajar a Poble Nou en calidad de expertos en las innovadoras maquinas. A principios de siglo hubo un virulento episodio de fiebre amarilla y tanto catalanes como extranjeros sucumbieron por igual. Y por igual tuvieron que ser enterrados, a toda prisa, en Poble Nou. Eso si, a los protestantes se les construyo un pequenio recinto aparte, que no era cuestion de que "corrompieran" a los muy catolicos! Discriminados entonces y discriminados ahora, porque a mediados de los 90, el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona decidio destruir este inusual recinto para construir nuevas tumbas y llenarse los bolsillos unos cuantos concejales.
Happy Anniversary to the Aucklanders!. Auckland, City of the Sails, is celebrating the 164th year of its foundation on January 26 - that is yesterday for them because of the time difference between our continents.
Feliz Aniversario para Auckland, la Ciudad de las Velas, que celebra 164 anios desde su fundacion el 26 de enero - es decir, que fue ayer para ellos por la diferencia de horario
The weather today:
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the North Northeast at 16 mph
Dew Point: 2C
Humidity: 80%
Visibility: Unlimited
Friday, January 23, 2004
The weather forecast for this weekend : it will get colder. The weather forecast for Monday : there may be snow showers. And what do we plan to do tomorrow? Buy a barbeque, a couple of sun-loungers, a set of patio table and 4 chairs and an umbrella. Probably an electric fan, too. Because NOW it's the time you can find these things in this country!!! I remind you of my post of Monday 11th August, when I explained we tried to buy an electric fan in the middle of August and were told none was left but we could buy a heater! This is the surrealist logic applied in this country. So let's go and buy for the next summer!
La prevision del tiempo para este fin de semana : bajaran las temperaturas. La prevision del tiempo para el lunes : podria nevar. Y que planeamos hacer nosotros maniana? Pues por supuesto, ir a comprar una barbacoa, un par de tumbonas, una mesa de jardin con sus cuatro sillas y un parasol. Y quiza tambien un ventilador electrico. Porque AHORA es la epoca del anio en que se pueden encontrar estos articulos en las tiendas de este bello pais!!! Os recuerdo mi post del lunes 11 de agosto, en donde explique nuestro intento de comprar un ventilador en pleno agosto y como nos dijeron en la tienda que ya no quedaban..pero que si podiamos comprar una estufa! Esta es la logica surrrealista que impera en este pais. Asi que...haremos las compras para el verano en pleno invierno!
The weather today:
Light Drizzle
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the South Southeast at 7 mph
Dew Point: 6C
Humidity: 87%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,011.9 mb
Thursday, January 22, 2004
Happy Chinese New Year!!! It's the Monkey this time. The Monkey influences gold, jewels, money, financial matters. According to the Chinese predictions, the financial business will boom in these coming two years. I bet they don't mean MY financial situation...
Feliz Anio Nuevo Chino!!!. Esta vez toca el Mono. El Mono rige el oro, las joyas, el dinero. Es decir, temas economicos. Segun las predicciones del horoscopo chino, el mundo financiero experimentara un crecimiento inusitado durante los proximos dos anios. No seran MIS finanzas, no...
The weather today:Rain
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the South at 12 mph
Dew Point: 7C
Humidity: 100%
Visibility: 2 miles
Barometer: 1,012.9 mb
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
At last we are getting rid of that abomination!!! :
The hated Tricorn centre that plagues the centre of Portsmouth will finally be bulldozed in two months' time.
City council chiefs have set their sights on starting to pull down the 1960s shopping centre by the end of March. They are racing to prepare legal documents with developers Centros Miller to make sure the building – named as one of the ugliest in Britain – comes tumbling down. The site is expected to be cleared within nine months so that it can be used as a temporary 300-space car park by Christmas. But it will eventually make way for the massive City Centre North development, which is set to transform the run-down area. The new shopping development, which is expected to be finished by 2008, will feature an open-plan pedestrianised area, with a department store at its centre.
That was exactly their aim when they built the Tricorn Centre in the 60s. With the horrid result you can admire in the photo. They' d better be careful with the amount of concrete they use this time!
Al final nos libramos de esa abominacion!!!!:
El odiado Tricorn centre que destroza la vista en el centro de Portsmouth sera finalmente demolido dentro de dos meses.
Los concejales del ayuntamiento se han propuesto como objetivo la demolicion total del centro comercial, construido en los anios 60, para fines de marzo. Se esta ya preparando todo el papeleo y contratos con la constructora Centros Miller que se encargara de la destruccion del edificio - calificado como uno de los mas feos en Gran Bretania. Se espera que la zona este libre de escombros en nueve meses, para ser usada, temporalmente en el periodo navidenio como parking de 300 plazas. Se prevee que en el 2008 finalizara la construccion del City Centre North Development, el nuevo centro comercial que constara de un gran paseo para peatones y restrigido al trafico de vehiculos asi como de unos grandes almacenes en el centro.
Ya, pues eso es lo que querian hacer en los 60 con el Tricorn Centre, y mirad como les salio. A ver si esta vez se esmeran y cuidadito con el cemento, que no se les vaya otra vez la mano!
The weekly shopping list:
4, Wholemeal Deli Rolls 4 Pack
1, Finest Large White Choc/Chunk Cookies 4 Pack
1, Eat Me Keep Me Peaches 4pk Class 1
1, Seedless Grapes Selection Pack Class 1
1, Gala Apples Pack
1, Tomatoes 750g
1, Spring Onions Bunch
1, Red Peppers Loose Each Class 1
1, Asparagus Bundle Price Marked Class 1 Each
1, Closed Cup Mushrooms 250g Pack
1, Ginger 125g Pack Class 1
1, Red Chillies 50g Price Marked Pack
1, Cooking Onions 1kg Class 2
1, Bigger Pack Better Value Leafy Salad & Tatsoi 165g
1, Iceberg Lettuce Each Class 1
1, Honey Roast Ham 125g 10 Slices
1, Cooked Chicken 125g 10 Slices
1, Whole Milk 2.272ltr/4 Pints
1, rish Creamery Butter 250g
1, Irish Cheddar Medium Mature Small
1, Grana Padano Portions
1, Leerdammer Slices 200g
3, Hovis Strong White Bread Flour 1.5kg
1, Wrights Parmesan & Sun Dried Tomato Bread Mix 500g
1, Wrights Cheese & Onion Bread Mix 500g
1, Hellmanns Light Mayonniase 400g
1, Sliced Black Olives In Brine 340g
1, Walkers Sensations Four Cheese/Onion150g
1, T.Temptations Steak/Marsala Wine Crisps 150g
1, Walkers Variety Doritos 10 Pack
1, Mccain Crispy French Fries 1kg
1, 2 Garlic Butter Chicken Kievs 300g
1, Fresh Pressed Tomato Juice 1 Litre
1, Coca Cola Regular 24 X 330ml Pack
1, Diet Coke 24 X 330ml Pack
2, Coca Cola Regular 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack
2, Diet Coke 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack
1, Appletiser Sparkling Apple Juice 6 X 330 Ml
1, Colgate Toothpaste Anti Tartar Plus Whitening 100ml
1, Woolite For Delicates 500ml
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the Northwest at 6 mph
Dew Point: 7C
Humidity: 88%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,019.0 mb
4, Wholemeal Deli Rolls 4 Pack
1, Finest Large White Choc/Chunk Cookies 4 Pack
1, Eat Me Keep Me Peaches 4pk Class 1
1, Seedless Grapes Selection Pack Class 1
1, Gala Apples Pack
1, Tomatoes 750g
1, Spring Onions Bunch
1, Red Peppers Loose Each Class 1
1, Asparagus Bundle Price Marked Class 1 Each
1, Closed Cup Mushrooms 250g Pack
1, Ginger 125g Pack Class 1
1, Red Chillies 50g Price Marked Pack
1, Cooking Onions 1kg Class 2
1, Bigger Pack Better Value Leafy Salad & Tatsoi 165g
1, Iceberg Lettuce Each Class 1
1, Honey Roast Ham 125g 10 Slices
1, Cooked Chicken 125g 10 Slices
1, Whole Milk 2.272ltr/4 Pints
1, rish Creamery Butter 250g
1, Irish Cheddar Medium Mature Small
1, Grana Padano Portions
1, Leerdammer Slices 200g
3, Hovis Strong White Bread Flour 1.5kg
1, Wrights Parmesan & Sun Dried Tomato Bread Mix 500g
1, Wrights Cheese & Onion Bread Mix 500g
1, Hellmanns Light Mayonniase 400g
1, Sliced Black Olives In Brine 340g
1, Walkers Sensations Four Cheese/Onion150g
1, T.Temptations Steak/Marsala Wine Crisps 150g
1, Walkers Variety Doritos 10 Pack
1, Mccain Crispy French Fries 1kg
1, 2 Garlic Butter Chicken Kievs 300g
1, Fresh Pressed Tomato Juice 1 Litre
1, Coca Cola Regular 24 X 330ml Pack
1, Diet Coke 24 X 330ml Pack
2, Coca Cola Regular 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack
2, Diet Coke 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack
1, Appletiser Sparkling Apple Juice 6 X 330 Ml
1, Colgate Toothpaste Anti Tartar Plus Whitening 100ml
1, Woolite For Delicates 500ml
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the Northwest at 6 mph
Dew Point: 7C
Humidity: 88%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,019.0 mb
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
I am having a theme week : Holidays, holidays and holidays. That's my theme this week. Sorry! It is the only thing that is helping us to cope with this horrid weather. Holidays, holidays, holidays..... Anyway, I can now confirm that the meeting will take place...oooopppsss!! noooo!! I mean I can now confirm we are flying to Atlanta on Thursday 29 April. It's done and bought. I just hope now we will be able to have other topics of conversation...like St Valentine, for instance?? Yes, it seems early, but this is how things are done here. Xmas starts on the 1st of November and lasts exactly until the 25th December, and then on the 26th is already the sales, but on the 1st of January it's already St Valentine. And same story for the rest of "commercial" holidays and festivities. That's why the photo with the hearts in this post. We will be celebrating St Valentine every day for 25 days! Enjoy!!!
Right. That was a joke. We are NOT going to celebrate St Valentine for 25 days. No way.
Estoy pasando una semana tematica : vacaciones, vacaciones y vacaciones. Parece ser mi unico tema esta semana. Cuanto lo siento!! Pero es el unico tema que nos ayuda a sobrellevar el horroroso tiempo que estamos teniendo aqui, con tanta lluvia y viento y tal.. Vacaciones, vacaciones, vacaciones... Bueno pues, oficialmente confirmo que la reunion tendra lugar en....ayyyy!! nooo!! pero que digo?? Se me fue la bola. Queria decir que confirmo que volamos a Atlanta el jueves 29 de abril. Hecho! Ahora espero que podremos tener otros temas de conversacion...como, por ejemplo, San Valentin. Y direis...un poquito pronto, no? Pues no! En este pais, empezamos a celebrar la Navidad el 1 de noviembre, para el 26 de diciembre ya se ha acabado y empiezan las rebajas. El 1 de enero ya estamos celebrando San Valentin, y asi va con todas las fiestas y celebraciones de tipo "comercial". Para seguir la onda, he colocado los corazoncitos en el post. Y he decidido que, a partir de hoy, celebraremos durante 25 dias San Valentin, hasta que llegue el 14 de Febrero! 25 dias de San Valentin, que empachoooo!!
OK. Era broma. Aqui no se celebran 25 dias de San Valentin ni nada parecido. Que os habiais pensado, eh?
The weather today...why do I bother?? It's the same!
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the Northwest at 13 mph
Dew Point: 8C
Humidity: 85%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,014.9 mb
Monday, January 19, 2004
We liked it so much that we are going back! Dates still to be decided but it's going to be in spring. And probably flying to Atlanta and visiting Memphis, New Orleans and who knows what else. By the way... Birmingham, Alabama, it's on the way from Atlanta to Memphis. The song 'Paint me a birmingham' keeps playing...
Nos gusto tanto, que volvemos! Fechas aun por decidir, pero sera en primavera. Probablemente volaremos a Atlanta y visitaremos Memphis, New Orleans y quien sabe que mas. Por cierto... Birmingham, Alabama, cae de camino a Memphis, ja ja ja!! Si...el tema de la cancion 'Paint me a birmingham' trae cola...
The weather today:
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the West Northwest at 23 mph
Dew Point: 8C
Humidity: 88%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,014.9 mb
Friday, January 16, 2004
Friday! At last! I have NOT done anything useful this week. I may enter the Guinness Record for the longest jet lag in history: 7 days after our return and we still suffer from jet lag. It may be that, unconciously, we are still on holidays? maybe a part of us is still driving on long deserted roads in Arizona...
Viernes! Por fin! No he hecho NADA util esta semana. Incluso puede que entre en los Record Guinnes por el jet lag mas largo de la historia de la aeronautica : 7 dias desde que volvimos y AUN tenemos jet lag. Puede ser que, sin ser conscientes de ello, aun estemos de vacaciones? Quiza dejamos una parte de nuestras personas conduciendo en una interminable y desierta carretera de Arizona...
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the West at 31 mph
Dew Point: 5C
Humidity: 78%
Visibility: Unlimited
Thursday, January 15, 2004
I have a breadmaker!! Now thanks to Slippery Kitten, who bought it for me, we have fresh bread every day. The bread machine makes the process of baking bread very easy. You just have to pour the ingredients in the correct order in the breadmaker, set up the type of bread you want...and in 3 hours (or 1 and a half in the fast mode) you have a loaf of fresh bread. No more kneading the dough or hoping the yeast will rise in the oven and then it doesn't! SK set up the timer last night so the bread would be ready at 7.45 in the morning. We woke up with the smell of baked bread oh how wonderful....
Tengo una maquina de hacer pan!! Ahora, gracias a Slippery Kitten, que me regalo la maquina, tenemos pan fresco cada dia. La maquina de hacer pan hace que el proceso de hornear pan sea de lo mas facil. Solo se tienen que poner los ingredientes en la maquina en el orden correcto, cerrar la maquina, seleccionar el tipo de pan que se quiere...y en 3 horas (o 1 y media en coccion rapida) tienes en tus manos una hogaza de pan ingles (del cuadradito, eh? que la maquina no da para barras largas). Se acabo la ardua tarea de amasar y los fracasos cuando la levadura no sube en el horno y el pan te queda como la suela de un zapato! SK puso la maquina en timer ayer por la noche para que el pan estuviera listo y calentito a las 7.45 de la maniana. Nos despertamos con el aroma de pan recien horneado, que maravilla....!!!!
The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the West Southwest at 14 mph
Dew Point: 4C
Humidity: 90%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,006.4 mb
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
This week's shopping list:
5, Wholemeal Deli Rolls 4 Pack
1, Finest Large White Choc/Chunk Cookies 4 Pack
1, Seedless Grapes Selection Pack Class 1
2, Gala Apples Pack
1, Tomatoes 750g
1, Spring Onions Bunch
1, Asparagus Bundle Price Marked Class 1 Each
1, Closed Cup Mushrooms 250g Pack
1, Emkm Leafy Salad & Tatsoi 140g
1, Iceberg Lettuce Each Class 1
1, Honey Roast Sandwich Ham 125g
1, Cooked Sandwich Chicken 125g
1, H/L Lemon Sole Fillets
1, Whole Milk 2.272ltr/4 Pints
1, Leerdammer Slices 200g
1, Creme Fraiche 500ml
1, Indian Basmati Rice 2kg
1, Bigger Pack Better Value Frosted Flakes 1kg
1, Walkers Sensations Four Cheese/Onion150g
1, T.Temptations Steak/Marsala Wine Crisps 150g
1, Coca Cola Regular 24 X 330ml Pack
1, Coca Cola Regular 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack
1, Diet Coke 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack
1, Fairy Antibacterial Washing Up Liquid 750ml
1, Drawstring Refuse Sacks 20pk
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the West at 30 mph
Dew Point: 4C
Humidity: 87%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 992.2 mb
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
I still don't know what is a birmingham (see my previous post). I've searched on the internet and found these explanations :
1. A city of central England northwest of London. It is a major industrial center and transportation hub. Population: 1,012,351. Yep, I know. I've been there, trapped in a traffic jam.
2. A city of north-central Alabama northeast of Tuscaloosa. The largest city in the state, it is in a mining and industrial region. Population: 265,968. Never been there. It sounds like the British so you won't see me near it!
So I don't see why the broken hearted cowboy in the song wants the artist to paint him a birmingham! An industrial city?? Anyway.... you can hear a sample of the song here and the lyrics there.
The birmingham was kind of amusing, but then it got hysterical with 'American Soldier'. Again, a sample of this beautiful and enlightening song to be found here. A sample, only a few seconds. You will have enough, believe me. If anybody is keen enough to read the American Soldier lyrics, here you have them!
Aun no se lo que es un birmingham (ver my post anterior). He buscado en internet y aqui estan las definiciones que he encontrado :
1. Ciudad situada en el centro de Inglaterra, al noroeste de Londes. Centro industrial y arteria de transporte. Poblacion : 1,0212,351. Ya lo se, ya. He estado alli, en medio de un atasco y caos circulatorio...
2. Ciudad situada al centro-norte de Alabama, noroeste de Tuscaloosa. La mayor ciudad del estado, ubicada en una region minera e industrial. Poblacion : 265, 968. Aqui no he estado nunca. Suena como la britanica, asi que no me vereis alli ni en pintura!
Entonces, si hablamos de ciudades industriales y mineras, por que carajo el cowboy con el corazon roto de la cancion le pide al artista que le pinte un birmingham? Dejemoslo estar.... pero por si acaso, podeis oir un pedacito de la cancion aqui y la letra aqui.
El birmingham era asi como gracioso de escuchar, pero entonces la cosa se puso de risa histerica total con 'American Soldier'. Unas notas de esta bella e inspiracional cancion las teneis aqui Solo unos segunditos de cancion, de verdad. No necesitareis mas. Y si alguien quiere dar sentido a su vida leyendo la letra,aqui la teneis!
The weather today:
Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the West at 25 mph
Dew Point: 6C
Humidity: 78%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 988.1 mb
Monday, January 12, 2004
New Year, new resolutions....oh, bollocks!!! I've never heard of anything more stupid than the New Year resolutions. Start a diet, keep a diet, do more exercise, join a gym, find the love of your life, save money, find a new job....bollocks! Nobody pursues these resolutions more than a week. Some not even more than a day. And then they feel guilty about it. Because they are not pleasant resolutions. Nobody wants to starve or sweat like a piglet in the gym. Or deprive yourselves of new clothes for the sake of saving. Saving for what? Your old age? But you may not even get there with all the mad cows and the infected salmon!Or send 20 resumes per day. Who wants to do that? No. We don't like them. That's why these New Year resolutions never last. I propose some pleasant New Years resolutions. Let's save £1000, then book a flight and a luxurious hotel and let's go and spend it in Las Vegas! Or save £1000, book a flight and a rental car and let's do Route 66! How do you like these innovative and creative New Years resolutions? I like them very much, thank you!
With these resolutions you will also realise we' ve had a GREAT time in the US. It's a great country, despite its politicians. There were thousands of things to see and do. Everything was bigger, bigger, bigger and newer than our little old Europe. We loved every bit of what we saw. LA, the Mojave Desert (no, we were not lost there in New Year's Eve, but in Page, Arizona. I bet the Mojave would have been better, ha ha!), Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, all the empty roads in Arizona, Zion National Park (yep, Utah, we managed to cover 4 states), Death Valley, a bit of the Sequoia Park until the road was clogged with snow and we had to go back (remember Johnsondale!), San Francisco, Alcatraz, Hearst Castle, LA again and now and then, some little bits of Route 66, like in Barstow, where we spend our third night.. and...yep...I have to confess...Disneyland! Oh come on! For historic reasons, you know...it was the first Disneyland, opened by the man himself...we had to go! And also we loved every bit of the long and never-ending roads we took. Every bit. We got lots of country music, by the way, anybody can explain to me WHAT is a birmingham???? Yes, like in that country song : "paint meeee a birminghaaaaammm..." we never ever managed to discover what was a birmingham. It wasn't the British city, that's for sure. I don't think any cowboy out there would ask for somebody to paint him the city of Birmingham. Unless he were to be a mad cowboy. Birmingham, indeed....
Anyway...as I said...We will go back! There is sooo much to see yet!!!
Anio Nuevo, nuevos propositos...ah venga, que narices! Nunca he oido nada mas estupido que los propositos para el Anio Nuevo. Empezar una dieta, continuar una dieta, hacer mas ejercicio, matricularse en un gimnasio, encontrar el amor de tu vida, ahorrar, encontrar un nuevo trabajo...narices! Nadie lleva a termino estos propositos mas alla de una semana. Algunos no pasan ni de un dia. Y todos se sienten culpables, claro. No es de extraniar que estos propositos no se lleven a cabo. Porque no son propositos agradables, todos implican sacrificio. Quien quiere morirse de hambre o sudar como un cerdo en el gimnasio? O no comprar ropa nueva con tal de ahorrar. Ahorrar para que? Para la vejez? Pero si, probablemente, no llegaremos a viejos, con tantas vacas locas y salmon contaminado! O enviar 20 curricula cada dia. Que trabajo! Que cansancio! Estos propositos no son agradables y por tanto, no duran mas de un dia, una semana a lo mas. Propongo, en cambio, propositos agradables para el Nuevo Anio. Ahorremos 1000 libras, reservemos un vuelo y hotel y a gastarlo todo en Las Vegas! O ahorremos 1000 libras, reservemos un vuelo y coche de alquiler y a explorar la Route 66! Que os parecen estos innovadores y creativos propositos para el nuevo anio? A mi me gustan mucho, gracias!
Con estos propositos ya os habreis dado cuenta de que lo hemos pasado a lo grande en USA. Es un gran pais, a pesar de sus politicos. Habia miles de cosas por ver y hacer. Todo era grande, mas grande, enorme..y mas nuevo que nuestra pequenia y vieja Europa. Nos gusto todo lo que vimos e hicimos. Los Angeles, el Desierto del Mojave (no, no estabamos perdidos en el Mojave durante la Nochevieja, sino en Page [Arizona]. El Mojave hubiera sido mejor, ja ja!), Las Vegas, el Grand Canyon, todos las carreteras vacias de Arizona (ya se entiende que todo sean reservas indias, que listos, los pusieron donde no hay nada de nada, ya digo, sus politicos no tienen verguenza, ni la han tenido nunca), Zion National Park en Utah - sip, Utah, acabamos cruzando cuatro estados), Death Valley, un poco del Sequoia National Park - hasta que la nieve cubrio la carretera y tuvimos que volver atras, "recuerda Johnsondale!"-, San Francisco, Alcatraz, Hearst Castle (si, el de ciudadano Kane), otra vez Los Angeles y, de vez en cuando, trocitos de la Route 66, como en Barstow, donde pasamos la tercera noche y si....tengo que confesarlo...Disneyland! Venga, fue por razones historicas, era el parque original, el primero que abrio el mismito Disney! por razones historicas, teniamos que ir. Nos gusto cada kilometro que recorrimos, cada carretera interminable que tomamos. Hubo mucha musica country, por cierto...alguien sabe lo que es un birmingham?? Si hombre, como en la cancion que dice "paint meeeee a birminghaaaaammmm..." Nunca descubrimos lo que era el dichoso birmingham. La ciudad britanica no seria, no me imagino a ningun cowboy pidiendo que le pinten la ciudad de Birmingham, a menos que este totalmente ido, claro. Birmingham, nada mas y nada menos...no me puedo imaginar nada menos atractivo que Birmingham...bueno, si, montones de ciudades britanicas. Pero no vamos a entrar en ese tema ahora...
Pues eso, lo dicho...que volveremos! Hay tanto que ver (como en el anuncio del Corte Ingles...)
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