Thursday, May 19, 2005

Today I am experimenting with background noise, thanks to this website : . It is a collection of supposedly soothing and relaxing noises and photos, with suggestive titles like A Warm Relaxing Shower or Waterfall Whisper. Try it! Go to the website, click on 'Environments', turn your speakers on, choose from one of the Environment sounds and see if it helps at work or at home. I have typed this post while listening to Whimsical Windchimes.

Hoy estoy experimentando el trabajar con ruidos de fondo, gracias a esta pagina web: . Es una recopilacion de, supuestamente, sonidos de fondo relajantes con sus correspondientes fotos. Con titulos tan sugerentes como Waterfall Whisper (Susurro de cascada) o A Warm Relaxing Shower (Una ducha caliente y relajante). Visitad la web, haced click en 'Environments', conectad los altavoces y escoged el sonido que mas os apetezca, a ver si os hace mas agradable vuestro trabajo cotidiano. Yo he escrito este post mientras escuchaba Whimsical Chimes de fondo.

The weather today:
ight Drizzle
UV Index:1 Low
Wind: From the South at 13 mph
Dew Point:12C
Humidity: 88%
Visibility:6 miles
Barometer: 1,014.9 mb

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