This joke has gone too far... I read in the newspaper : "Pay us 2m pounds more or tower misses the big party. Portsmouth City Council has been told by builders Mowlem that there is a 'significant delay' to the Spinnaker tower project. But the May 25 completion date could be met – if the council pays a further 2m pounds. The council is desperate to have the tower open by June as the eyes of the world will focus on the city for the Trafalgar 200 celebrations and the International Festival of the Sea".
As I said, this stupid joke has gone too far. This tower should have been built for the Millennium celebrations. That's five years ago. Now, after many problems and delays, we are told the tower will only be ready if the City Council (meaning the citizens purses, of course!) cough up more money to the builders. What a shame! That sounds like blackmail to me!!
And please, 'the world will focus on the city for the Trafalgar 200 celebrations'?? The world? Really! I bet the world has many other things to focus its eyes on than in a battle fought 200 years ago between the French and the English!

Ya digo, la bromita ha ido demasiado lejos. Esta torre tenia que haber estado construida para las celebraciones del Milenio. De eso hace ya 5 anios. Ahora, despues de multiples problemas e interrupciones, resulta que solo estara lista si el Ayuntamiento (es decir, los impuestos del ciudadano de a pie, al fin y al cabo) paga mas a los constructores. Que verguenza! Puro chantaje!!
Y eso de que la ciudad estara en el punto de mira del mundo entero por el aniversario de la Batalla de Trafalgar...a ver...permitanme que lo ponga en duda! El mundo tiene otras preocupaciones mas importantes que celebrar una batalla naval de hace 200 anios entre ingleses y franceses!
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