I guess now you think I've become like Norman Bates in Psycho . With Bates' multiple personalities, the horrid mum on his head telling him to kill the motel's pretty client. Its' not the case, though. My craziness has reached higher levels than poor Norman, but as I was saying, this is not the case. The voices were real. I had to do it.... We are going to Barcelona on the 15th-17th April. "They" made me do it!!!

Ahora me imagino que veis como a Norman Bates en Psicosis . Con doble personalidad, oyendo la voz de la madre ordenandole que asesinara a la guapa clienta del motel. No es el caso. Norman Bates se quedaba corto, con dos personalidades, a mi lado. Pero ya digo, no es el caso. Las voces que me presionaron son bien reales. Asi que tuve que hacerlo! Y si... vamos a Barcelona del 15 al 17 de Abril. Las 'voces' me obligaron!!!
The weather today:
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the South at 7 mph
Dew Point: 8C
Humidity: 93%
Visibility:2 miles
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