How many days since I wrote about holidays and travelling? I think... ages! too many! So it's time to reveal that this weekend we are going to Germany to celebrate
MacSteve's birthday party and our Easter vacation will be a four day stay in Lisbon, Portugal. I love holidays, don't I? With regret I have to admit we have not planned our next trip to the US. Maybe we should start! Because when one lives in a country like ours, with this PERMANENT crap weather, the only thing that REALLY keeps you going is the prospect of holidays abroad. Sad but true.

Cuantos dias hace que no hablo de vacaciones y viajes? Yo diria que...hace un siglo! Asi que ya es hora de revelar que este fin de semana vamos a Alemania para celebrar el cumpleanios de
MacSteve . Y que en Semana Santa nos vamos los cuatro dias a Lisboa, Portugal. Lamentablemente, aun no hemos planeado nuestra proxima visita a los USA. Tendriamos que empezar...ya! Basicamente, si se vive en un pais con un clima tan miserable como el nuestro, lo unico que te mantiene vivo y con esperanza es la posibilidad de vacaciones en el extranjero. Es triste decirlo, pero es la pura verdad.
The weather today:
UV Index:0 Low
Wind:From the West Southwest at 10 mph
Dew Point: 6C
Visibility:4 miles
Barometer:1,024.0 mb
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