The best thing about Washington DC (apart from the abondance of monuments to Presidents, soldiers and heroes) is the Smithsonian museums. All of them for free. We visited the American History Museum, The Hirshhorn Museum, The Natural History Museum and the Air and Space Museum . The last one was our favourite. All the planes, rockets and missiles that made History (with capital H!) were there. I really felt close to the stars! For instance, the Wright Flyer -the first successful plane to fly in 1903- the Columbia command module from Apollo XI – carried Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins to the Moon in what became the first lunar landing- , the Spirit of St Louis –Lindberg’s plane in the first solo transatlantic flight- and so many more, even a bit of lunar rock which visitors can touch!
It is a great museum and after visiting we felt even more motivated to go to Kitty Hawk (where the Wright brothers flew their flyer in 17 December 1903) and the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral. And after so many launch pods, turbines, huge engines, lunar jeeps, computers used at historical launches and all the memorabilia and history of space flight…I loved the 4G gravity simulators! (pictured above) My head spinned for a while after leaving the capsule. We were told 4G is ‘nothing’ for astronauts nowadays. That simulator was obsolete! Jeez if that was ‘obsolete’ I wonder how I would feel in the simulators they use nowadays! By the way..do you know I've always wanted to be an astronaut when I grow up?

Por ejemplo, exhiben el original Wright flyer –el primer avion que volo con exito en 1903-, el modulo de commando Columbia de la nave Apollo XI –que llevo a Armstrong, Aldrin y Collins a la Luna y de vuelta, en lo que fue el primer aterrizaje en nuestro satellite -, el Spirit of St Louis –el avion de Lindberg en el primer vuelo trasatlantico en solitario-, y muchos otros mas que el blog se me quedaria pequenio si los listara todos. Incluso una piedra de la Luna que los visitantes pueden tocar!
Es un museo estupendo y despues de visitarlo aun nos sentimos mas motivados para ir hasta Kitty Hawk, en Carolina del Norte (donde los hermanos Wright realizaron el 1er vuelo de la Historia el 17 de Diciembre 1903) y el Kennedy Space Center en Cabo Canaveral. En este ultimo vimos de todo, las plataformas de lanzamiento, turbinas y motores gigantescos, trajes espaciales, los ordenadores usados en lanzamientos historicos… y acabamos subiendo a un simulador de 4G de gravedad! (foto de arriba) Fantastico! La cabeza me siguio dando vueltas un rato despues de salir de la capsula. Y nos dijeron que 4G no es “nada”, el simulador es obsoleto para los astronautas de hoy en dia!. Caray, si eso es ‘obsoleto’, a saber como me sentiria si probara el simulador moderno! Por cierto...sabiais que yo siempre he querido ser astronauta?
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the North at 12 mph
Dew Point: 2C
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,024.7 mb
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