I do recommend this show : Michael Flatley's "Lord of the Dance" . We went to see it a couple of weeks ago - I forgot to post about it! It is not a new show, it has been on for some years now, but if you've missed it before, now may be your opportunity. I didn't go, years ago, when the show was the 'hottest thing in town'. I thought the queues were too long, the good and bad reviews were too exaggerated and the tickets were too expensive. The show was a MUST to see, then. People went because it was the fashionable thing to do. Like people who read books because they are 'the thing to read this season!'. Ridiculous. I hate that. So now, years later, when I can judge for myself and there is no peer pressure 'to go and see it because everybody who is anybody has seen it', I've bought my tickets and seen the show.
The plot in itself is very simple, Good vs Evil but hey, what are we here for? the plot? Not really. We go to see Lord of the Dance because of the Irish dancing. And that is good. Very good. Go see them if they come to your city. And they may be coming, after all, Michael Flatley has 4 troupes touring the globe. We saw Troupe number 4, by the way!

Bien, la historia en si es bien simple, la eterna lucha del Bien contra el Mal, pero a ver, no vamos a ver Lord of the Dance por la historia, exclusivamente, sino por el baile tipico irlandes. Y eso es bueno. Muy muy bueno. Id a verlos si visitan vuestra ciudad. Que no seria tan raro, despues de todo, Michael Flatley tiene 4 troupes dando vueltas por el globo. Nosotros vimos a la Troupe numero 4, por cierto!
The weather today:
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the West Northwest at 6 mph
Dew Point: 16C
Humidity: 88%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,021.7 mb
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