And these above are the highlights from our trip to Italy :
David by Michelangelo in Galleria dell'Academia, Florence. Beautiful to the point of looking unreal.
The Roman Pantheon in Rome. The everlasting perfection of the biggest Roman dome that ever existed. It took centuries (until the Renaissance) for the architecs to be able to create again a building with a dome.

David de Miguel Angel en la Galleria dell'Academia en Florencia. Tan bello que parecia irreal.
El Panteon Romano en Roma. La perfeccion infinita de la mayor cupula construida durante el Imperio Romano. Los arquitectos tardaron siglos (hasta el Renacimiento) en conseguir construir otro edificio con cupula.
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the South Southwest at 20 mph
Dew Point: 10C
Humidity: 63%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,022.0 mb
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