I would love to rent a house like the one above for a week in January. It is located in Alligator Point (the Forgotten Coast) in Florida. As the name of the coast indicates, it is mostly in the middle of nowhere and there are no tourist resorts, high-rise condominiums nor big shopping malls. Just beach, sea-shells and endless Gulf sea views from the windows. So if you thought Florida is only theme parks, resorts and tourists in shorts and sandals, and that was stopping you from visiting, try the Forgotten Coast. We may in January! I've been having a look at properties in that area (also called Panhandle) using this website :
Gulf Coast Rentals .

Me encantaria alquilar una casa como la de la foto de arriba por una semana en Enero. Esta situada en Alligator Point (la Costa Olvidada) en Florida. Como el nombre indica, se encuentra alli donde Cristo perdio la sandalia. No hay resorts turisticos, ni enormes hoteles ni grandes centros comerciales. Eso si, hay playas interminables, caracoles de mar y conchas e imponentes vistas al Golfo desde las ventanas. Asi que si pensabais que Florida era tan solo una sucesion de parques de atracciones, resorts y turistas en pantalon corto y eso era, precisamente, lo que os ha hecho rechazar el visitar este estado, ahora ya no teneis excusa. Id a la Costa Olvidada. Quien sabe, quiza nosotros vayamos en Enero! He estado mirando casas en esta zona (tambien conocida como Panhandle) en esta pagina web :
Gulf Coast Rentals .
The weather today:
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the West Southwest at 10 mph
Dew Point: 18C
Humidity: 71%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,010.5 mb
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