It has thick hair-like feathers, no tail, a beak one third the length of its body, and nostrils at the tip of the beak. It looks like a cross between a hedgehog and an anteater, has wings but can’t fly.
The kiwi bird is a genetic leftover, probably about eight million years old (Homo Sapiens is one million), that survived due to New Zealand’s isolated environment that protected it against more evolved predators. Named after its shrill cry ("kee-wee, kee-wee"), the kiwi is the national emblem of New Zealand — found on money, stamps, and coins. In fact, "Kiwis" has become the world-wide nickname for New Zealanders.
Beyond its odd appearance, the kiwi has some downright odd traits as well: it’s nocturnal; it’s nearly blind, seeing only six feet at night and two feet past its beak during the day; it uses the nostrils at the end of its beak to smell worms buried under the dirt; it refuses to bathe and, in fact, never drinks a drop of water its entire life; and (and this seems uncomfortable) a five-pound kiwi lays an egg that weighs just over a pound, a record in the bird kingdom.

El Kiwi Bird es una rareza genetica originaria hace 8 millones de anios (el Homo Sapiens aparecio hace un millon) que ha sobrevivido gracias al aislamiento geografico de Nueva Zelanda y a la inexistencia de depredadores mas agresivos. Llamado 'kiwi' por su agudo canto ("kiiii-wiiii - kiiii-wiiii"), el kiwi bird es el simbolo nacional de Nueva Zelanda, apareciendo en monedas, billetes y sellos. De hecho, el nombre 'kiwi' es, mundialmente, el apodo para nombrar a los ciudadanos neocelandes.
Ademas de su aspecto ya de por si extranio, el kiwi bird tiene raras caracteristicas : es un ave nocturna, casi ciega, con una capacidad visual de 2 metros de noche y menos de un metro desde su pico durante el dia. El kiwi bird usa los agujeros nasales ubicados al extremo de su pico para oler gusanos bajo tierra, se niega a entrar en contacto con agua o baniarse y, de hecho, no bebe ni una gota de agua en toda su vida. Un kiwi de tamanio medio (aprox 2,250 grs de peso) pone huevos de medio kilo de peso, lo cual es todo un record en el mundo de las aves.